We believe children learn best through play and exploration in an environment which is calm , well resourced and facilitated by highly trained practitioners .
Our nursery Curriculum is developed and overseen by our nursery manager and early years teacher . Our curriculum allows flexibility to follow children's interests and respond to these in-the-moment.
Our nursery environment is resourced to allow free-flow access to an outdoor area regardless of the season and children across the nursery benefit from access to our onsite Orchard .
Weekly Rugby Tots sessions led by ' Rugby Tots' coaches are available to two -four year olds as an additional add-on session and provide children with the opportunity to learn skills such as listening and team games.
Parents who are partners in their children's learning are important to us ; Our online system Tapestry allows us to update parents on their children's care needs , our learning and any urgent messages quickly .
We want you to be as involved as possible in nursery life and hold regular drop-in sessions for parents such as our ' Bear hunt stay and play ' , Christmas wreath making with your key-person' and formal parents meetings to give you opportunities to ask questions and support your child's next steps at home.